Why did the customer contact us?
Ensolum provided the client with on-site safety and health consulting during the investigation and redevelopment of a former manufactured gas plant.
616 Iwilei Road is a four acre parcel located in the Iwilei district within Honolulu. The parcel was historically an operational manufactured gas plant which led to extensive sub-surface soil and groundwater contamination. Massdec, LLC purchased the parcel in 2017 and is redeveloping the parcel for commercial use.
Solutions provided:
The project consisted of pre-purchase health, safety and environmental due diligence, and is currently in the site work stage of redevelopment.
Ensolum was retained by Massdec, LLC to provide a qualified Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) to verify that the contractors, guests, regulators and visitors were properly protected from hazards associated with the sub-surface soil and groundwater contamination. Ensolum trained all authorized site workers in Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.120, developed a site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) and provides daily compliance oversite, primarily to prevent site workers from Benzene and other volatile organic compound exposure. Ensolum currently manages medical surveillance, industrial hygiene, Benzene and VOC monitoring, PPE selection and use, HAZMAT operations, etc.

Massdec Project Site


Massdec PCS & Piping

Ensolum team conducting an inspection

Ensolum health consulting services