Why did the customer contact us?
Ensolum, LLC provided asbestos consulting services in association with the asbestos abatement conducted at the Former ACS / Xerox Building and associated Data Centers. The site is scheduled for a $2.5 billion development consisting of residential, hotel, restaurant, entertainment and retail space.
Prior to being dubbed the Leaning Tower of Dallas, the building constructed in 1972, was originally occupied by the Southland Corporation. The building later became home to Affiliated Computer Services which eventually sold to Xerox. In addition to the office tower, the campus included three large data centers.
Solutions provided:
State and Federal regulations require that a thorough asbestos survey be performed in a building prior to demolition or renovation activities. If asbestos is identified, a licensed asbestos abatement contractor must remove the asbestos-containing materials prior to demolition. The asbestos must be removed in accordance with an abatement project design prepared by a state licensed consultant. Air monitoring must also be performed during the abatement.
Ensolum deployed a team of asbestos inspectors to the site to determine the presence and location of asbestos-containing materials throughout the site. Appropriately attired inspectors collected representative samples from identified building materials. The samples were submitted to a state licensed laboratory for analysis. The results were documented in an asbestos survey report that included material types, locations and quantities of asbestos identified in the building.
Ensolum incorporated the results of the asbestos survey report into a site specific asbestos abatement project design detailing the containment requirements, engineering controls, personal protective equipment, air monitoring guidleines and removal methods to be used during the abatement. Ensolum conducted a pre-bid meeting at the site and assisted with soliciting bids from asbestos abatement contractors and provided air monitoring and project management throughout the abatement process. Ensolum performed visual inspections of the abated areas prior to performing final air clearance activities. The abatement duration was four months. Upon completion of the abatement, Ensolum prepared and delivered a comprehensive report which included a description of the project and air monitoring results.
The data center buildings were mechanically demolished. The tower was then demolished by implosion. However, the core of the building (elevator shafts, stairwells and restrooms) was not completely demolished during the implosion. The remaining core was dubbed The Leaning Tower of Dallas and became an unintentional Dallas landmark and social media sensation. The core was successfully demolished approximately two weeks after the implosion.

Highrise Asbestos Testing

Former ACS/Xerox Building & Data